Chess Archaeology HomeChess is a scientific game and its literature ought to be placed on the basis of the strictest truthfulness, which is the foundation of all scientific research.W. Steinitz

Gallery IndexIndividuals

Alapin,S Fox,AW Lipschutz,S Robinson,AK
Albin,A Gilberg,CA Lowenthal,J Roething,O
Anderssen,KEA Gilbert,JW Loyd,S Rosenthal,S
Ballantine,WA Graves,JA Lynn,FW Rudge,M
Bampton,SW Griffin,WE MacBean,WP Runge,ET
Barry,HW Grimshaw,W Mackenzie,AF Scheve,T
Barry,JF Gunsberg,I Mackenzie,GH Schiffers,E
Belden,JG Hald,N Marache,N Schlechter,C
Berger,J Haller,WA Marco,G Schrader,E
Bird,HE Hallock,WS Maroczy,G Seymour,RH
Bixby,WC Halpern,JC Marshall,B Shipley,WP
Blan,SA Hanham,JM Marshall,C Shottlander,A
Boardman,H Harrwitz,D Marshall,FJ Showalter,JW
Bowles,HL Hartzell,TN Martinez,A Showalter,N
Bowles,R Hazeltine,MJ Mason,J Shrader,EW
Brenzinger,FE Healy,F McClure,J Siegheim,B
Brett,OC Hesse,B McIlwaine,TC Simonson,G
Brewster,ES Hodges,AB Meijer,HDB Smith,AL
Brown,TM Hoffer,L Meyer,HFL Smith,MM
Burgess,SR Hoffman,JL Meyer,O St. Amant,PCF
Burtscher,JJ Holloway,EM Mieses,J Stanley,CH
Capablanca,JR Hood,JF Mills,DY Staunton,H
Caswell,EA Horwitz,B Mlotkowski,S Steinitz,W
Cheney,GN Howell,CS Moore,CC Swiderski,R
Chigorin,MI Hymes,E Morgan,M Tarrasch,S
Chittenden,SB Isaacson,CB Morphy,PC Teed,FM
Cochrane,J Janowski,DM Mortimer,J Teichmann,R
Cohn,L Jasnogrodsky,N Mudge,LW Thompson,J
Cohn,LD Jespersen,J Napier,WE Thornton,GH
Cowles,JW Jones,JS Nelson,N Tracy,H
Cravens,WD Judd,Max Neustadtl,H Van Atta,RM
Davidson,HL Kaiser,JA Nevill,WE Van Vliet,L
De Riviere,JA Keeney,PJ Nevins,CG Voigt,HG
De Visser,WM Keidanz,H Norton,F Voss,NA
Delmar,E Kelley,IW O'Flyn,GS Walker,G
Dibert,LS Kemeny,E Ormsbee,JL Walker,HJ
Dickinson,WT King,ST Parke,LW Wash,BS
Dobbs,G Koch,A Peiler,M Waterbury,CH
Duffy,PT Koch,W Philidor,FAD Wheeler,CH
Elson,J Koehler,GH Phillips,CW White,AC
Ferris,WJ Kolisch,IF Phillips,HM White,RLC
Fick,O La Bourdonnais,LCM Pillsbury,HN Wormald,RB
Finlinson,JH Lange,M Potter,JA Young,FK
Finn,J Lasker,Em Ranneforth,H Young,JW
Fitzgerald,RG Lavigne,JH Reichhelm,GC Zinkl,A
Foster,BR Lawrence,TF Rice,IL Zukertort,JH
Foster,BS Leonhardt,PS Richards,AB Zwanzig,H
Fowler,WE Libaire,EW Robbins,AH  

Gallery IndexIndividuals

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