Chess Archaeology HomeChess is a scientific game and its literature ought to be placed on the basis of the strictest truthfulness, which is the foundation of all scientific research.W. Steinitz

Preliminaries to Gunsberg-Steinitz
1890 World Championship Match
Researched by Nick Pope

The 1890 Match

I need not say that Mr. Gunsberg's friends here—and they are not a few—are highly delighted with the turn the Havana match has taken thus far. As I write, the latest news is that he leads by one game, and his friends here are already discounting his victory. Fortune certainly seems on his side, he opened wretchedly, but rallying he must have done wonders to recover and now to overtake a player of the force and calibre of Tschigorin. "He'll win the match," cry his friends, "and then ——." "And then he'll play Steinitz for the championship, and he'll win it, so we will have a real World's Champion in England again." I believe, indeed, that the generally received opinion here is that if Gunsberg does win the Havana match, steps will be taken to bring about a match between himself and Steinitz. Such a match would be of great importance and would attract considerable attention. But then Gunsberg may not win at Havana, and speculation as to his future had therefore better be left for the present.
London, January 1890.
International Chess Magazine, v6 n2, February 1890, p33

Arrangements have been made for a chess match between Messrs. Gunsberg and Steinitz to be played in the autumn in New York. A committee of the Manhattan Club has been entrusted with the task of carrying out the necessary arrangements. Already large sums have been subscribed towards the stakes.

The Manhattan Chess Club therefore passed a resolution to invite Messrs. Steinitz and Gunsberg to play a set match (ten games up or best out of twenty) next fall in this city, under the auspices of this leading New York organization. The main points and rules under which the forthcoming event will have to be played have been agreed to by Messrs. Steinitz and Gunsberg on the one side and the Manhattan Chess Club on the other. Mr. Gunsberg will shortly forward an explicit code of rules as a basis for the match.

Players here are following the progress of the Havana match with very great interest. Mr. Gunsberg's friends were very elated over his performance in the mid match, when he so cleverly secured and kept the lead. As I write the score is, however, 8 all, and many people in town think the match will be drawn after all. I was talking to J. Mason at the City Club, a night or two ago (Gunsberg was then ahead), and he seemed to think that if Gunsberg won, he would at once challenge Steinitz.
London, February 1890.
International Chess Magazine, v6 n3, March 1890, p69

The Manhattan Chess Club, however, passed a resolution that they will use their best efforts for arranging a match between Messrs. Gunsberg and Steinitz during the next fall.
International Chess Magazine, v6 n3, March 1890, p72

In a similar manner the contemplated match between me and Mr. Gunsberg is still in its embryo stage at present, for nothing more than a verbal arrangement has been made on the subject, in which the amount of stakes and the number of games to be played were agreed upon. But a confirmation of terms by correspondence is needed in order to enable the Manhattan Chess Club, which has offered its generous support to the contest, as well as myself to make preparations. As already pointed out by the New York Staats-Zeitung, in which journal Herr Cassel now edits a Chess column, there has been some delay in the initiatory steps which Mr. Gunsberg has promised to take soon after his return to England, but as far as I can guess or learn, there seems to be no serious obstacle in the way of the match coming off.
International Chess Magazine, v6 n4, April 1890, p110

The Steinitz-Gunsberg Match.

Some time ago the Manhattan Chess Club of this city attempted to arrange a match game of chess between Mr. Steinitz of New-York and Mr. Gunsberg of London. At that time Mr. Gunsberg was in this city on his way to London from Havana. He promised on arriving at London to submit his terms to the Manhattan Club, and a letter which has just been received contains those terms. Mr. Gunsberg suggests that the match be played for $600 a side, ten games up, draws not counting, twenty games to be played in any event. The Manhattan Club is to pay $1,050 compensation for the players' expenses. Six-tenths of the gate money is to go to the winner and the rest to the loser. He also suggests a supreme court of appeals to settle all disputes.

Mr. Steinitz was seen yesterday by a Times reporter, and he said he would not play for less than $750. In his match with Zukertort the stakes were $2,000, and with Tschigorin they were $1,150. Mr. Steinitz was also opposed to the gate money idea, as he thought that two-thirds should go to the winner. Dr. Mintz, manager of the Manhattan Club, says that the club can easily raise any amount, and will make every effort to arrange the match.

Mr. Gunsberg, in his Chess column in the London Evening Post, makes the following remarks in reference to the proposed forthcoming match. "I have received a letter from the Manhattan Chess Club, New York, requesting me to send the conditions under which I propose playing my match with Steinitz. From that letter I infer that the club now see their way for arranging the match. I have replied, giving in outline my conditions, but I also stated at the same time that I should have been quite content had the initiative been taken by New York. For I am, of course, desirous of meeting the views of the entertaining club, and as my senior Steinitz should have priority in framing the conditions to this great match. I sincerely trust I may succeed in coming to an amicable arrangement with my great antagonist."

In a previous article in the same journal Mr. Gunsberg writes: "If the Manhattan Chess Club succeeds in their undertaking or raising the necessary funds, and perfecting their arrangements for this match, then nothing should prevent the consummation of this project, which has been very favorably received by English amateurs, and is sure to receive their support."

It is our unpleasant duty to state that the above remarks, which imply a doubt on the ability of willingness of the Manhattan Chess Club to carry out an engagement to which they stood pledged by a resolution, as Mr. Gunsberg was well aware, created an unfavorable impression among the members of that distinguished society, and I trust that Mr. Gunsberg will rectify that error in his own journal, as well as in his correspondence with the authorities of that club. However, Mr. Gunsberg having been invited by the Manhattan Chess Club to be the first to submit his terms, chiefly on the ground, I understand, that negotiations between myself and that society could be more easily carried on, has now submitted his propositions. They are in the main that the match should be for the first ten games up, but that a minimum of twenty games shall be played; that the fees for each game shall be the same as in the last two Havana matches, viz.: $20 for the winner, $10 for the loser, and $10 each for a draw. For himself he stipulates a fee for expenses of $300, and proposes a minimum stake of $600, besides some minor conditions which, I believe, will require modification. But I especially wish to remind Mr. Gunsberg that he agreed with me personally to fix the minimum stakes at $750, and this was already a concession, considering the amount of stakes in my last match with Zukertort and in my contest with Tschigorin. On principle, I must object to a further reduction of stakes without very cogent reasons, for there would be no end of similar claims in future. It seems to me also undesirable to establish the precedent that the amount of fees for the loser should be little higher than his deposit; and it should be remembered that the late Mr. Zukertort, who furnished a stake of $2,000 for his own part, only received $750 as compensation, which was hardly more in proportion to Mr. Gunsberg's demands, considering the extra expense caused by portions of the contest being played at St. Louis and New Orleans.
International Chess Magazine, v6 n5, May 1890, pp139-140

In reference to my remarks in our last number about Mr. Gunsberg's comments in the London Evening Post on the prospects of a match between me and him, he gives an answer in the same journal, from which I quote the following:

"The meeting of directors of the Manhattan Chess Club took place on a Tuesday night, and I embarked for Europe on Wednesday morning, so that I had barely a few minutes' time to gather the hurriedly-given information of the result of the meeting, which I took to be 'that an endeavor would be made by Dr. Mintz to obtain the necessary funds for a match with Steinitz,' Under these circumstances it was quite natural that, when speaking of the match, I should say 'if the Club succeeds in their undertaking.' But from the language of Mr. Steinitz in his magazine, I infer that the Club had come to a definite resolution and had pledged themselves to promote the match. Under such circumstances, of course, no reasonable person can have a doubt in the matter, and the 'if' would not then apply. There is nobody more pleased than I am to tender by apology to the Club for misunderstanding the nature of their resolution on the subject."

To the above I may remark that the fact of a resolution in support of the forthcoming match having been passed by the Manhattan Chess Club was mentioned in our last March number, p. 72. The subscriptions for fees of the players and other expenses were taken in hand in the course of last month and have already reached over $800. The whole costs of the contest for the Club are estimated at about $1,050, and this sum is expected to be covered shortly. But I have also to make preparations for my own stakes, having proposed to play for a minimum of $750 a side, and, as on similar previous occasions, I beg leave to appeal to Chess amateurs for subscriptions toward my deposit on the usual terms, that I shall receive half in case of my winning. The President of the Manhattan Chess Club, Professor Isaac L. Rice, of 52 Wall Street, New York, has kindly consented to act as my treasurer, and those who will favor me with their support are requested to communicate with that gentleman and to state what sum they intend to contribute toward my stakes. Notice will then be given to them in proper time, when the money will have to be forwarded. All I can say about my prospects in this match is that when the contest comes off I shall endeavor my best, as on previous occasions, and that I hope to win.
International Chess Magazine, v6 n6, June 1890, p173

In the negotiations with Mr. Gunsberg, some minor details have to be settled, but as regards the stakes, Mr. Gunsberg writes that he cannot collect them before all other conditions are fixed, which seems to me a reversal of the usual order of things. Anyhow, my own stakes are ready, and no obstacle on the subject is likely to occur. For the commencement of the match I have proposed to give four weeks notice during three months after the first of Novebmer next.
International Chess Magazine, v6 n7, July 1890, p208

Respecting the Steinitz vs. Gunsberg match to be played in this city, it can be said that this contest is almost certain to begin on Nov. 15. Mr. Gunsberg cabled to Mr. Steinitz yesterday as follows:

"Can contribute £75 toward winner's prize."

Which means that he failed to raise the stipulated stakes of $750, but that English amateurs have subscribed £75 toward the prize fund.

Mr. Steinitz, with the consent of the Manhattan Chess Club, under the auspices of which organization this match is to be played, is willing to accept Mr. Gunsberg's offer, provided the latter will consent to begin on Nov. 15, and provided Mr. Gunsberg will also agree upon altering the rules to the following effect:

1. That the winner of the first ten games be declared the winner of the match.

2. That no more than twenty games be played, and that he shall be the winner who has scored the majority of games. Draws not to count.

Honor to whom honor is due, and the palm belongs this time to the Old country. It is chiefly through the original generosity of some British amateurs that the match between Mr. Gunsberg and myself is on the point of being settled. In brief, it was likely to fall through, but it appears that a subscription was made on the other side of the water for the purpose of supporting the contest in the shape of offering, in lieu of any stakes, a minimum prize to the winner, amounting to as much as the victor would receive at least if stakes were deposited. On the 2d October Mr. Gunsberg cabled to me that £75 had been subscribed for the purpose, and as this is equivalent to half of the stipulated minimum stakes, I was at once satisfied with the arrangements in the main. Bravo, old England! It is the first time in Chess history that one country supports a master match to be played in another country, and the beautiful example will, I trust, be followed in future.

How matters stand now in reference to that match may be gathered from the following letter:

I. Gunsberg, Esq.

Dear Sir: Your letter of the 24th ult. and your cable message of the 2d inst. have duly come to hand. I gives me great pleasure to accept the modification of the terms of our match which you propose, to the effect that in lieu of any stakes a minimum prize of £75 to the winner, which, as I am gratified to learn from your communications, has been subscribed in England, shall be substituted. But, in view of various engagements into which I have entered during the time when it was uncertain whether you would be ready to play the match, I must now stipulate as follows: That the first winner of ten games, exclusive of draws, shall be declared the victor, provided, however, that not more than twenty games shall be played. Should that maximum be reached without either party having scored ten games, the winner of the majority of games, exclusive of draws, shall be the winner of the match. In case of an equal score the prize fund shall be equally divided between the two players.

The match shall commence during the week between the 15th and 22d of next month, and the minimum amount of the prize fund (£75), contributed from England, shall be deposited in the hands of the treasurer of the Manhattan Chess Club, Mr. L. D. Cohn, at least ten days before the date of the commencement of the contest.

Dr. F. Mintz, the Chairman of the Match and Tournament Committee of the Manhattan C. C., authorizes me to state that the club fully approves of the above-mentioned modifications, and I learn from the same gentleman, as regards the arrangements, that the games will be played in a private room, but that some public exhibitions of the play will be organized, more or less frequently, according to their financial success. The gate money, after deducting expenses, will be divided between the two players at the rate of two-thirds to the winner and one-third to the loser.

It is understood that you agree to all other terms already mentioned in our previous correspondence. As regards the rules, the same as in my matches with the late Mr. Zukertort and Mr. Tschigorin, I am quite willing that any amendments of details that may be proposed shall be settled by the two umpires and the referee before the commencement of the match. Believe me, dear sir, to remain yours truly,
W. Steinitz
New York, Oct. 7, 1890.

International Chess Magazine, v6 n9, September 1890, pp278-279

Steinitz Versus Gunsberg.
The Two Renowned Chess Experts Will Play for the Championship in New York.

As will be seen from the correspondence below the great chess masters, W. Steinitz of this city and I. Gunsberg of London, will meet in New York on Dec. 1, to play a match. Appended is the letter from Mr. Gunsberg to Mr. Steinitz:

23 Comyn Road, Clapham Junction.
London, S. W., Oct. 18, 1890.
My Dear Mr. Steinitz: I was very pleased to receive your letter of Oct. 7, the arrival of which I was anxiously awaiting. I read with much satisfaction that you, in conjunction with the Manhattan Chess Club, have accepted my offer of substituting a prize to the winner for the proposed stakes. The effect of the acceptance of this condition is that I look upon the match as definitely settled. This decision does, of course, theoretically bind me to the acceptance of all and every condition which you have proposed hitherto and to which, through causes which it is unnecessary for me to enter into here and through lack of time, I have had no opportunity of replying. If, nevertheless, I express the hope and wish that some of these conditions should be modified, I do so because I'm encouraged by the last sentence of your letter of Oct. 7, where you to a great extent yield to my desire, expressed all along, that details of conditions should be settled in New York. I venture to hope that you will exercise the same generous tolerations as regards the other conditions to which I stand bound. In any case I do not think essential differences exist between us. I will, however, endeavor to recapitulate the conditions of our match and point out to you the modifications I ask for.

Our negotiations have been somewhat involved and the conditions proposed and accepted can only be ascertained by reference to my letter of May 10, and your letter of July 28, wherein you reject conditions 5, 7, and 8 of my letter of May 10, but accept all other conditions; also your letter of Oct. 7, as well as the printed rules of your previous matches, as far as they are not at variance with the conditions provided for in the above-mentioned letters. I take it therefore for granted that we have agreed as follows:

1. That I shall contribute £75 toward the expenses of the match, but I don't think it necessary, if you will permit me to say so, to forward this amount to New York. In a few days' time I will, however, send a deposit of £20 to Mr. L. D. Cohn, the Treasurer of the Manhattan Chess Club, who will be saved the trouble of sending me money from New York to London on account of my travelling expenses, as specified in the following:

2. The Manhattan Chess Club has agreed to pay me $150 for travelling expenses and to pay $150 to each player for other expenses. They have also agreed to pay in each game $20 to the winner and $10 to the loser, and $10 to each player in the case of drawn games, and, further, to provide a minimum special prize of £75 to the winner of the match.

3. The date on which you desire the match to begin—namely: Nov. 15 to 22—is a very early one, indeed. I would ask that the time for commencing play be extended to or fixed at Dec. 1.

4. That the first winner of ten games, exclusive of draws, shall be declared the victor, "provided, however, that not more than twenty games shall be played. Should the maximum be reached without either party having scored ten games, the winner of the majority of the games, exclusive of draws, shall be the winner of the match." My opinion, and that of my friends in England, is averse to imposing a value on drawn games, which is indirectly, though obviously, conferred on them by the portion of this condition which I have quoted above. I hope you will be able to suggest or accept an amendment which, while meeting your own convenience will meet my objections as here expressed.

5. Four games a week to be played, but each player to have the right to abstain from play on two occasions during the match. Adjourned games to be proceeded with next day and concluded.

6. Time and hours of play to be made suitable to both players and the exigencies of the match as a public exhibition.

7. That the match shall be played in New York city in a suitable, properly lighted, and well-ventilated room.

8. Gate money (if any) after deducting expenses (which I take to be the expenses of exhibiting only) to be divided between the two players at the rate of two-thirds to the winner and one-third to the loser. I would suggest that any income from that source should be equally divided between the players.

9. As regards the right of publication of the games. I have a very strong feeling that it should be vested in both players, and that the club should undertake to protect us in that right to its utmost ability, and that rule 5 of your printed conditions shall, if necessary, be rigidly applied to that end and without exception as to the person, and that this rule should also apply to reporters and the right of reporting the match. The acceptance of this view will further assist the efforts I have made in the last few years (and in which I have succeeded to some considerable extent) to confer an appreciable value on Chess games and Chess reports, to create a recognized copyright in games, and in order to prevent pilfering outsiders robbing Chess players of the fruits of their brain labor. We should have no difficulty in agreeing between ourselves as to the joint rights.

Of the conditions in your match with Zukertort, I accept rules 1, 2, 3, and 4 as far as they are applicable to our match, also rules 5, 6, 7, and 8; rule 9 I must reject. Rule 10 I accept, rule 11 I wish to insert the words "or study" after the word "analyze" in the first line, rule 12 accepted, rule 13 I propose to substitute the word "four" for the word "six," rules 14, 15, 16, and 17 accepted.

I understood the referee will be Prof. I. L. Rice, President of the Manhattan Chess Club.

I hope I have mentioned all the essential points, and not taking anything for granted except what is evidenced by a perusal of the correspondence previously referred to. I am sure you will give your best consideration to the points I have made out respecting alterations of conditions.

Unless you especially desire to do so, you need hardly trouble yourself to reply seriatim, as I feel every confidence that as far as lies in your power you will meet the reasonable wishes herein expressed in a satisfactory manner after my arrival in New York. I should, however, be obliged if you would kindly confer with Dr. Mintz, to whom please show this letter, and if you would kindly intimate to me by cable, as soon as possible, that both you and the Manhattan Chess Club agree to the proposed postponement of the beginning of play to Dec. 1, and that you and they think further that there is nothing in my letter which should prevent our playing this match. A cable containing simply the words "Gunsberg, London. Yes," will answer the double purpose.

Looking forward to our meeting with much pleasure and pardonable pride, I remain, dear Mr. Steinitz, yours very faithfully.
I. Gunsberg.

Mr. Steinitz sent the following letter by the steamship Majestic:

New York, Oct. 27, 1890.
My Dear Mr. Gunsberg: Your letter of Oct. 18 came to hand to-day, and I have to answer in great haste in order to catch the mail.

Referring to your resumé of the conditions of our match and your proposed alterations seriatim, I beg to say:

1. There is no objection on my part, and I shall join in your request to the authorities of the Manhattan Chess Club to accept the deposit of £20 on account of your contribution of £75.

2. Is agreed to.

3. and 4. My propositions were made with the view of enabling me to play a match in Havana with Dr. Tarrasch or some other player early in January. Should such a match not come off I quite agree to ask the committee of the Manhattan Chess Club to alter the conditions as originally proposed, namely, that twenty games shall be the minimum. Anyhow, I shall support your request to commence the match on or about Dec. 1.

5. Is agreed to.

6. The Committee will no doubt study the wishes of the two players as regards time and hours of play, but I think the club ought to have the final authority on the subject.

7. Is agreed to.

8. On principle I object absolutely to the equal sharing of gate money, and I adhere to my proposed proposition.

9. In one of my previous letters I have already stipulated that each player shall have a separate right of publication of the games. Still, if you have any fair propositions to make, I shall be glad to entertain them. The club, I have no doubt, will do their utmost to protect the property right of the players.

The proposed alterations of rule 11 of the regulations I must reject absolutely. In fact, I shall myself propose an amendment which will make it quite clear that each player under some restrictions may look at a position of an adjourned game. This I consider necessary, as both players have made arrangements for publishing the games and annotations thereon.

However, I do not think any difficulty can arise therefrom, as it can be easily stipulated that a more stringent rule shall be applied at the request of either player in any particular game, in which case the umpire or referee shall decide whether the position be such as to necessitate the adoption of the special rule.

Copies of your letter and of my answer shall be submitted to the authorities of the Manhattan Chess Club, and I shall probably be able to cable you in a few days. With compliments and quite reciprocating your expressions of gratification at the prospect of our meeting, I remain yours very faithfully,
W. Steinitz.

A reporter of The Sun called on Dr. Fred Mintz of the Manhattan Chess Club yesterday, and being asked what he had to say about the correspondence the Doctor said: "I, on behalf of the Tournament and Match Committee of this club, agree to the first of December being selected as the day for the beginning of the match, and we shall do our very best toward securing for the masters the copyrughts of their games against all comers. All questions as to gate money, details of play, and so on, we shall not touch, but we shall consent to everything that the players have agreed upon between themselves. On the other hand, I wish it distinctly stated that the Manhattan Club guarantees only the following sums: $150 for Mr. Gunsberg's travelling expenses, $150 to each of the players for expenses during the progress of the match, $20 for each game won, $10 for each game lost, and $10 to the players in case a game should end in a draw. Respecting the £75 mentioned in Mr. Gunsberg's letter as a special prize, we cannot allow this item to figure as a sum guaranteed by the Manhattan C. C., inasmuch as this alteration of the originally proposed rule, viz.: that each player has to furnish a stake of $750, has nothing to do with us. We do not object to limiting the match to twenty games."

New York, Oct. 28th, 1890.
My Dear Mr. Gunsberg:

In order to avoid any possible misunderstanding on the point, I am requested to state that, for the present, the Manhattan Chess Club guarantee no more as prize for the winner than the £75 which you contribute.

To-morrow I shall cable to you the words, "December agreed," which will mean that there is no objection to commence our match on December 1st, but, if possible, it would be much preferable to start the contest earlier.

The reason that I do not wire simply the word "Yes," as suggested, is that I consider any alteration of rule 11 in the sense which you propose, contrary to the letter and spirit of our main negotiations. Being the original framer of those rules, I know what was intended, and in fact, owing to the miserable dispute which was fastened upon me in the match with Tschigorin, I am fully determined not to give in on that subject.

The suggestion in my last letter in reference to that rule is, therefore, my ultimatum, and I must absolutely stipulate that rule 11 be made clear in the sense as to prohibit only analysis by moving the pieces or in consultation, with the rarest exceptions to be decided upon by the umpires or referee at the request of either player. Yours very faithfully,
W. Steinitz.

International Chess Magazine, v6 n10, October 1890, pp294-298

The Coming Chess Match.
Steinitz and Gunsberg to Fight Over the Board in this City.

Gunsberg arrived in this city yesterday morning on the Guion line steamship Arizona. Before landing he was interviewed by a reporter of The Sun. The English chess player appeared to be in excellent health and spirits, and very little changed since he left New York last March after his match with Tschigorin in Havana. He also seemed to be in possession of a superabundance of activity and energy, as evidence of which may be mentioned the fact that after stepping on terra firma he devoted two full hours to running about and redeeming a promise he had made to a compagnon du voyage to see him safely booked, bag and baggage, for the City of Mexico.

When he had finally seen his own luggage taken in charge and expressed to his hotel, Gunsberg expressed himself ready and willing to answer questions. The passage, he said, had been a good one—only a couple of days of rough weather—and altogether he felt that he had derived a considerable amount of benefit from it.

The next thing was an inquiry as to what he thought of his chances in the forthcoming match.

"Now, isn't it cruel," he said, "to ask me what chances I have against Steinitz? Is there a chess player who has? Don't you remember what I told you in Havana?" and then he repeated, almost word for word, something which he said to The Sun's representative in the Cuban capital at the beginning of this year. It was this: "I should so much like to play Steinitz; it would be such fine sport. I know I should not have a chance of beating him, but what can I loss by playing a better man than myself?" This seemed to dispose effectually of the first question. The reporter next asked him if he had been studying much.

"No, I haven't studied a bit. I can't study chess books. I rely upon my faculty as a player and upon my position judgment."

"Of course, you expect to win some of the games?"

"Yes, I firmly believe I shall win some of them, and I furthermore believe that I shall make a good fight against the master.

"What more can I say?" he continued. "I am pleased to be once more in New York. I like New York as a city, and more particularly I like the chess players here. American chess players have always been generous and liberal toward me; and they have also been very hospitable and kind."

Then, as though to finish the subject and free himself of it entirely, he remarked: "Whatever I may achieve hereafter—whether I beat Steinitz or not—I will say, for I am a real sporting man, I play Steinitz for the sake of sport."

As to what the English chess players thought of the approaching fight, he said: "There is a division of opinion. There are a great many admirers of mine who think I shall win the match, an opinion, however, which I don't share with them; while, on the other hand, there are many who think it will be no match—that I shall fall to pieces and make no show at all."

In regard to the conditions Gunsberg said: "I don't think there will be any trouble in coming to terms in regard to the details, because I have come to play the match and I shall play it."

It is not likely that the contest will start before next Monday, as Gunsberg is desirous of having a little rest after his voyage.

Regarding the Steinitz-Tschigorin cable match, the English champion gave it as his opinion that Steinitz had undertaken a very hard task indeed in the Evans Gambit, and that if he should win that game it will rank as one of the great performances in the chess world.

Steinitz as seen as his residence at Upper Montclair, N. J., by a reporter of The Sun, who told him of Gunsberg's safe arrival, and he was asked if he cared to say anything about the probably chances of the fight. "Well," said the master, "I shall not affect a false modesty in telling you what I think," and then he proceeded, with the same considerable show of teh old-time confidence which has marked his attitude during the progress of his Evans Gambit with Tschigorin, "I hope to beat him."

After a pause his natural modesty asserted itself. "Although, as you see, I am pretty sanguine, I am, on the other hand, prepared for the eventuality of losing the match. There are several reasons for this. I have not played against a strong player for two years. During the whole of the period which has since elapsed I have been busily engaged upon literary work, and I am also troubled with insomnia. All this must naturally have some effect.

"Besides," he said, as a preliminary beam crept over his features, "I am two years older than I was when I played Tschigorin in Havana and four years older than when I last played Zukertort."

"But remember the superiority you have enjoyed for so many years," said his interlocutor.

"That is well enough, but whether I shall be able to maintain that superiority can only be decided by actual contest. Everybody knows that in my last two matches I lost games at the beginning for no other reason than that I was altogether out of practice; and that is my present condition. From specimens I have seen of Mr. Gunsberg's play I am fully convinced that I have an antagonist before me of no mean order, and that it will require the exercise of great care and watchfulness, as well as energy, to gain the victory over him."

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